Alexis knits

september 2009
While I was away, Alexis finished more fabulous Dr. Who-style dudes. You remember Alexis' Dr. Who dudes, right? Well now she's made some characters from Torchwood.

Details on just who these two handsome fellows (Jack and Ianto) are can be found on her blog along with them in some pretty compromising pictures!

may 2009
In a couple of weeks, Alexis turned this rather funny looking tube (love the decreases tho!)...

...into this super cute little elephant!

The pattern is Elijah the Elephant by Ysolda Teague and is available through Ravelry. Alexis's little elephant proves again that she is the master of adorable stuffies! (Want more proof? Check out ALL her Dr Who stuffies on her blog!)

january 2009

Alexis made another Dr. Who! The Tenth Doctor now has a double - and a brown suit. All the details about Alexis' Dr. Who dolls can be found here on her blog. (And check out this post of hers for even more Dr. Who knitting!!)

january 2009
Alexis has been working on baby things!

A wee green sweater and the tiniest little socks you've ever seen. (Pattern info and modeled pics on adorable teddy bear on her blog).

So cute!

october 2008

Last time we saw her, Alexis was in the middle of her silk shrug (pattern from Lace Style ), knit in Louisa Harding's sparkly Jasmine yarn. She's all done now and ready to wear it at a wedding in November. Check out finished pics on her blog.

august 2008
I used to say that Alexis' knitted canadian mountie was my all-time favorite of all her knits, but now, I've changed my mind.

It's Dr. Who (the new Dr. Who, David Tennant)! She based the pattern on the mountie, but added the hair (Berroco Chincilla), the sneakers (classic Converse), and the glasses (from an American Girl catalog!). For more info, check out this post on her blog.
I repeat: Alexis is cool.

july 2008
They're finally done!

Alexis has finished her purple embossed leaves socks at last!

june 2008
Just call us the socksmiths:

Alexis' embossed leaves socks are getting a little boring, she says, but they look great!

may 2008
Alexis wouldn't let me show you this awesome little knit project she finished aways back until the recipient had gotten it.

What is it??!
It's a TARDIS, of course! More pics and info on her blog.
Alexis is so cool.

april 2008
Alexis is just getting started on a lovely lace scarf.

I believe the pattern is lace ribbon scarf from Knitty and the yarn is from Rhinebeck!

january 2008

This week Alexis was sporting her new hat, a hood modeled on the one worn by Lyra in the Golden Compass movie. Isn't it just perfect?! Details and pattern are on her blog here.

november 2007

Alexis' lizard ridge afghan is well underway. Such pretty colors! Check out more of her squares on her blog here.

september 2007

It was Alexis' birthday and so she made us a cake!! Thanks for sharing your b-day with us, Alexis. Yummy!

august 2007

Alexis is working on the tomato top (from No Sheep for You or available for free at Knitting Daily). Aren't the colors awesome together?!

february 2007
There's a lot of Knitsmiths knitting Arwen cardigans (from Interweave Knits winter 2006) these days. Alexis just finished hers!

It is so purple. And so cute. Loooove those cables! (Way better pictures of the color and cables can be seen on Alexis' blog.)

february 2007

Ariel models Alexis' fun and furry hat for charity!

december 2006

Alexis' latest socks have beautiful blue stripes. And they match her super cool shirt!

august 2006

And look, Alexis was knitting one of those patterns out of that knitting-pattern-a-day calendar. Cool.

july 2006

Alexis is working on the Soleil tank from She's using Lion Brand Microspun so it's super soft!

december 2005
New Knitsmith, Alexis, is making the neatest little stuffed toy.

Bet you can't guess what it's going to be!

It's a Canadian Mountie!
